World’s First Flying Car Invented in Slovakia! | How it works? | Sohail Saleem 

World’s First Flying Car Invented in Slovakia! | How it works? | Sohail Saleem
World’s First Flying Car Invented in Slovakia! | How it works? | Sohail Saleem 

Hello, friends!


About 60 or 70 years ago, when people were asked to imagine how the year 2020 would look,people imagined futuristic looking cities. Hoverboards. Cars flying in the sky.Flying cars would have become a reality But unfortunately, it didn't happen.The reality looks like this today While people imagine the year 2020 to look like this.But do you know what, friends?Flying cars are somethingthat's slowly becoming a reality.Today, in 2022,a company in Slovakia,has successfully tested an actual flying car.This isn't a dream for the future,it is the reality now.Come, let's understand this technology in today's Article.

 Would there ever be an aircraft where you can just jump in,and be able to take off and fly where ever you want to?"Listening to it, friends, it feels likea flying car is something really futuristic.but people had started trying to make one about 100 years ago.The year 1917,saw the first attempt at building a flying car.Or perhaps a roadable aeroplane.An aeroplane that can navigate roads too.It was named the Autoplane.This was built by Glenn Curtis It was given the title 'Limousine of the Year.'But was this flying car actually able to fly? It's said that when they tried to fly it it lifted off the ground but unfortunately, it couldn't fly properly.

 So the Autoplane turned out to be a failure. After this, we get to 1933, when the US Air Commerce Bureau conducted a competition, called the Flivver Competition.They challenged people to design an aeroplanethat would cost less than $700 to build.Many models were submitted in this competition,and one of these models was of the Aerobile.Designed by Walda Waterman.This was an aeroplane that looked like a car.It could take flightbut never went into production,because they were going through the Great Depression.There were enough funds to produce it.But what could be called the first successful attempttook place in 1945.American inventor Robert Edison Fulton,

built an aeroplane called the Airphibian.It looked like a proper aeroplane,the only difference was that the front of it could be detached.It took about 5 minutes to convert this aeroplane into a car.And the resulting car looked like the front of the aeroplane.For its era, this Airphibian was quite innovativeand it got a flight certification from the Civil Aviation Authority.But the problem was that,because of the compromises in the design,it was neither a good aeroplane that could compete with the other aeroplanes.Nor was it a good car,that could compete with the other cars.

When it turned into a car, it looked really weird.To add to it, in 1945, there were financial problems due to World War II.This company could not find investors for this flying car.And then came the Convaircar.Industrial designer Henry Dreyfuss attempted this in 1947.This looked like a car stuck with an aeroplane on it.Airphibian looked like an aeroplane completely.But this looked as ifthe car got stuck to the aeroplane by mistakeand is now flying with it.It too took 5 minutes to convert from an aeroplane to a car. And by converting, it meant detaching the aeroplane part and keeping it aside. And then it could be used as a car It was a great idea for its time. And in its third test flight,this Convaircar crashed.The pilot checked the reading on the meter,and thought that there was enough fuel and that he could continue flying,and though the car did have enough fuel,there was very little in the aeroplane's tank.It led to this unfortunate crash.After this crash, people lost confidence in it.And the investors backed out.The problem with these attempts was thatthey took a car, and they took an aeroplane,and they tried to combine them as they were.A true flying car would be onthat could actually transform from an aeroplane to a car.The two can't simply be combined

merely to detach the part of the aeroplane when the car is used.Morton Taylor was the first personto decide to work on the design of Airphibian and to make the wings of the Airphibian foldable So that when it has to be used as a car,the wings can be foldeand stored behind the car.This came true in the year 1949.It was named Taylor's Aerocar.They got the certification,the approval for mass production,but the problem was thatthey needed at least 500 advance orderbefore mass production could begin.But there weren't enough people interested in it.So they couldn't get the orders So the deal had to be cancelled.At one point, the company Ford was quite closeto buying this Taylor Aerocar.But that deal couldn't be finalised either.There was a scarcity of fundsbut perhaps a bigger problem wasthe lack of technological advancement.We didn't have the technologyto build a true flying car.


But today neither do we lack funds,and the technology has moved by leaps and bounds since the 1950s.So the recent attempts at building a flying car,have been amazing. Thet  are  real  truly futuristic. In October 2021,

a Swedish company called Jetson Aero, presented their Jetson 1 Airplane to the world.

As you can see, it doesn't look like a car at all, rather it can be called an extra-large drone.Because it flies just like a drone A person sits inside it and pilots it around.It is a single-seater vehicle.Only one person can sit inside it They had started working on it in 2017 The first prototype was ready in January 2018and it had its first successful flight too.

But they introduced their companyand presented their 2nd generation prototype to the world.


In October 2021.


Its speciality is its design.A helicopter needs a helipad to take offbut this is so compact,so small that it can land on your roof and take off from your neighbourhood garden as well.To keep it lightweight,its frame is made of aluminium. And it weighs only 86kg.It is very light.And the person sitting in it,can weigh up to 95kg.Perhaps the most interesting thing is that you wouldn't need a pilot's license to fly it.Because according to the US Laws, there is no need for a pilot's license, for a home-built, single-seater aircraft Since it is a single-seater aircraft, only one person can sit in it, and it's home-built too because if you buy it,it'll reach you 50% assemble You can order it from anywhere in the world the way that the company ships this to you, you need to assemble it yourself.So it comes under the category home-built.With this, the legal hassles for the company reduce.Because the company would no longer be responsible in case of accidents.Because you have put it together.Jetson 1 is truly very futuristic,but it cannot be practically used much.Because you can't fly it at night.You can't fly it over city traffic.Because these are restricted airspa And generally,it is quite difficult to fly a camera drone nowadays, it will be very difficult to get permission to fly this. But their co-founder, Peter Ternstrom, has said that they aren't trying to solve a problem in the world they are simply promoting it as a fun activity. He claims that it is fun to fly it. You can guess the origins of the name of the company, Jetson. If you recall, The Jetsons used to be a cartoon show a while ago. And the futuristic aircraft used by the Jetsons to trave looked somewhat like this.


So they tried to copy that design and took inspiration from it.So this Jetson 1 cannot be termed as a proper flying car.Because it can run on the roads.But there's another company in Slovakia.They presented their Aircar to the world last month.It is a flying car in true essence.