Failures of Communism.|Sohail khan
What was the reason that whenever it was tried to implement communism,
it always kept failing.
What are the fundamental problems of this communist ideology?
The biggest problem of communism in my opinion lies in its basic definition.
Every person will work according to their ability
but will get things according to his need.
Now think about it yourself.
If I am a fit and healthy person and
I am working hard according to my ability but what do I get in return?
I get the same thing whatever everyone else is getting?
What is then my incentive to do more hard work?
If I work less then I would get the same payment.
Work even lesser, I'd still get the same.
No reason exists to improve my work.
What will I get If I am more efficient and innovative?
I will get nothing. I will get what I have been getting since always.
Now think about it, if every person living in society starts thinking like this,
no competition in the society.
There would be no development in technology or any other field.
This is quite a philosophical reason behind the failure of communism.
The practical reason is that when you try to make a classless society
in a reality where everyone is the owner of everything,
This society has a power vacuum.
The space at the top is empty and there is no one to lead.
Due to this power vacuum, there will always be space for a dictatorship.
Failures of Communism.|Sohail khan |
One person who will tell direct the way of work.
And he will then become a dictator.
Through this very dictatorship, one-party rule is established.
People’s freedom is snatched away.
There is no democracy.
And if anyone speaks against the party then they are either arrested or killed.
On top of it, when this dictatorship is established,
the government will control all factories, lands, all distribution processes.
The things which are to be distributed amongst the people
will be under the control of the government
When one person or party will control everything then what will happen?
Failures of Communism.|Sohail khan |
The people in power will keep getting corrupt
because they have so much control in that
they can decide everything about the public.
What kind of houses will people live in?
How much land will they get?
How many factories will they get?
In reality whenever there have been efforts to implement communism
practically, it ceases to be communism.
Some party comes up and dictates how things will work.
Which is quite different from the original definition.
What is the principal definition of communism?
The original definition is that every person is the owner of everything.
But if one party, one government tries to control everything
then it ceases to be communism.
It will now be called socialism
Failures of Communism.|Sohail khan |
After hearing all this, one question will come to your mind.
Does a successful practical example of communism exist?
where communism has been implemented in the true sense?
where it did not turn into a dictatorship?
The answer to this question is yes but only in small communities.
Whenever the scale gets bigger up to the level of a country
then communism is always seen to be failing.
Communism has thrived in small communities in some places.
The biggest example of this like I told you at the beginning of the article
were early humans who lived in tribes, worked together
when there was no concept of money.
In today's modern world too,
there are few examples of it as well where it has worked in small communities.
For example, OSHO’s ashram in the US
on which a Netflix documentary series has been made as well.
People lived in a small commune together.
Everyone worked with each other. There was no concept of money.
It was called Rajnishpuram.
You can call it a successful implementation of communism.
But it is not right to call it successful even.
Because if you look at what happened to it in the end
you will know it turned to be a big failure as well.
But in India, there is still one example of it.
There is a community in Puducherry named Auroville.
Failures of Communism.|Sohail khan |
2000 people live in a community where
there is no concept of private ownership of land, housing, and business.
All the people living there work for everyone
and take care of the entire community
Everyone has been assigned their work
and there is not much concept of money either.
Hello Bro