with more than eight million species of living things on earth, no wonder that nobody knows or has seen them all there are countless others out there still waiting to be discovered but even among the animals we already know about biodiversity is mind-boggling for many travelers the chance to see exotic wildlife is one of the major reasons to take a holiday to a specific place there are truly bizarre animals out there in the wild so we've collected a list of our top 10 strangest animals that exist. starting the list at number 10 aye aye

found only in Madagascar it is 14 to 17inches long with a long tail, its body is covered in long wiry hairs ranging from gray to black with whitish guard hairs its face is fox-like but its teeth grow continually like a rodent's the most unusual feature of the eye eye is its extremely narrow middle finger which it uses to tap on trees to find grubs under the bark the ii listens for echoes to find hollow areas in the trees a method called percussive foraging once an individual has found a hollow part of the tree it gnaws into the bark and uses its middle finger to hunt for grubs and insects inside the tree. number 9. satanic leaf-tailed gecko

the little guy got his name from biologist George Bollinger as early as 1888 the Belgian first described the species and chose the name because of the bizarre appearance of the gecko the leaf-tailed portion of The name is dead accurate however the animal's body and tail may make a dried out brownish leaf the skin has even formed veins to replicate the veins on a leaf in addition to its remarkable capacity for camouflage this gecko can trick predators by voluntarily shedding its tail the satanic leaf-tailed gecko only occurs in Madagascar so it is endemic to the island. number eight axolotl the axolotl

salamander manages to be at once adorable and kind of disturbing this remarkable amphibian is native to a small series of lakes and canals near Mexico city once numbering in the thousands and providing an important food source for the Aztec the wild population of the axolotl is thought to have dwindled to just a few individuals due to its habitat loss but is also due to the fact that the axolotl is considered a culinary delicacy um yum though it develops legs and never reaches land instead of spending its time strolling the underwater surface its nickname walking fish. number seven pangolin pangolins are

truly bizarre creatures that look a bit like armored anteaters in fact, another name for them is scaly anteaters amazingly though they are much more closely related to dogs cats and even seals than to anteaters or armadillos the mammals they most resemble their habitat covers parts of central and west Africa India and Southeast Asia when threatened by predators, pangolins roll up into defensive balls protected by their armor-like coating of keratin scales poaching and habitat destruction has made most of the six pangolin species endangered critically endangered or vulnerable pangolins which are solitary creatures are nocturnal and only eat termites in ants


  1. You're such a gentleman brethren..... It's really helpful for me and I suggest for those who want to know about animal diversity....


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