for the last 65 years, Guinness world records have continued to amaze generation after generation by chronicling human capability limits there are more than 7 billion people on the planet which means there are quite a few that do some pretty weird stuff whereas in the past these weirdos would have been chased out of the local village but nowadays their strange antics are celebrated in a big book of world records are you ready because today we present to you our list of top 10 most bizarre Guinness world records of all time.
kicking off our list at number 10 most big macs consumed in a lifetime Donald a work is an American world the record holder is known as the big mac enthusiast he is best known for having eaten 30 000 big mac hamburgers from the u-bus fast-food chain McDonald's in his lifetime winning him a place in the Guinness book of records gork's love big macs.started more than 40 years ago when he ate his first one on May 17 1972 forks say he has enjoyed an average of two sandwiches nearly every day since that magical day it's just so good it's just like chocolate and I couldn't get enough of it at first but still, it is my favorite sandwich gork said in one of his interviews now can anyone beat that.
number 9. longest fingernails ever on a
woman the longest fingernails belong to lee Redmond from the USA
who started to grow them in 1979 and carefully manicured them to reach a the total length of 8.65 meters 28 feet as measured on the set of low show day record in Madrid Spain on February 23
2008 she dips them in warm olive oil every day and uses bottle after bottle to strengthen and polish them in top condition she then covered them in a striking gold paint which many will remember from her iconic
Guinness world records photoshoots i know what you're thinking it's hard to imagine how someone could get on with their daily life with two foot claws hanging from their hands
but lee was able to make cups of tea cut her children's hair use a mobile phone to do the washing up and even drive but still how.
number 8. elastic man the man with the stretchiest skin Gary turner is a sideshow performer he holds the current Guinness world record
for the stretchiest skin caused by a severe form of Ehlers-danlos syndrome on October 29 1999 in Los Angeles he stretched the skin on his abdomen to a the total length of 6.25 inches
number 8. elastic man the man with the
stretchiest skin Gary turner is a sideshow performer he
holds the current Guinness world record for the stretchiest skin caused by a severe form of Ehlers-danlos syndrome on October 29 1999 in Los Angeles he stretched the skin on his abdomen to a the total length of 6.25 inches earning him the record with this condition the collagen that strengthens
the skin and determines its elasticity becomes defective resulting in among other things a loosening of the skin and hypermobility of the joints in more serious cases it can cause th atal collapse or rupture of blood vessels in 2005 he became a member of the circus of horrors
number six most piercings in a lifetime since first receiving a skin piercing in January 1997 Elaine Davidson originally from brazil but now based in Scotland have been pierced a total of 4 225 times as of June 8th 2006. the former restaurant owner is constantly adding and replacing jewelry mostly in her face, she enhances her exotic looks with tattoos and brightly colored makeup often wearing feathers and streamers in her hair but why does elaine love piercing so much because they're beautiful they're shiny
they make me excited and they make people look at me a special woman elaine was determined to appear in the Guinness world records book and says that she has no problem at all with palan
number five longest hiccup attack what's the longest hiccup attack you've ever had is it longer than the world's record holder Charles Osborne started hiccuping in 1922 while weighing a hog it wasn't until
1990 68 years later that he was able to stop hiccuping during the first few decades Osborne hiccuped around 40 times per minute this rate slowed down in later years to 20 hiccups per minute the hiccups were due to a busted blood vessel that damaged a part of the brain that inhibits the hiccup response
number four heaviest car balanced on the
head all british weight lifters can takeb inspiration from 64 year old john evans who holds the 14 year old record for the heaviest car balanced on the head in may 1999 john from derbyshire carried a mini cooper weighing 159 kilograms 352 pounds upon his head for over half a minute how did he discover that he has this talent it started while he was working as a bricklayer he found that he could do his work faster if he carried bricks on his head thus leaving both hands free evans is enormously strong and has put that ability to work as an entertainer and strong man evans is balanced on his head a 357 pound car 275 full pints of beer and a girl inside a flaming oil drum.
number three heaviest mantle of bees
bee bearding is the practice of wearing several thousand honey bees on the face usually as a sideshow type demonstration at agricultural shows hive bees are attracted into position by a queen and a small cage worn under the chin the heaviest mantle of bees weighed 63.7 kilograms 140 pounds it was achieved by ruan liang ming in china on the co-filming set a cctv guinness world records special and lo xiao day record in feng shui county yi chung city zhangji province china on may 15 2014. the best part being longming emerged unscathed and unchanged from his record-setting endeavor number two heaviest weight lifted with a human tongue the sport of weightlifting has been around for many years but this worlthe record took the activity to a whole new extreme in 2008 Thomas Blackthorne from the Uk managed to lift an impressive 12.5 kilograms 27 pounds using only his tongue the weight alone was impressive enough but the most startling thing of all was the fact he attached the weight to a hook and pierced it through his tongue in order to achieve the record now that's dedication
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