Important Inventions That Changed Our World - Most Amazing Inventions Of All Time [2021]||Sohail Saleem
human inventions and technologies have shaped civilizations and transformed
life on earth as expectations and capabilities evolve each generation cultivates its own set of innovative thinkers it may seem as if we are constantly bombarded with exciting innovations and discoveries in our current times however many of the new ideas and technologies shaping our modern world can often be traced back centuries in
their origins humans have the impressive ability to keep innovating and pushing onward sit back on your seat as we have today the top 10 important inventions that change the world
starting the list at number 10 compass the compass has helped humans to explore and navigate around the world in today's world of satellites and GPS it may seem irrelevant but it was an important invention in its the day the compass may have originally been created for spiritual purposes
and only later adapted for navigational purposes invented in china in the 14th century compasses had widely replaced astronomical means as the primary the navigational instrument for mariners ancient mariners navigated by the stars but that method didn't work during the day or on cloudy nights and so it was unsafe to voyage far from land the compass enabled mariners to navigate safely far from land
increasing sea trade and contribute to the age of discovery
number 9 printing press invented in 1439 by the german johannes Gutenberg this device in many ways laid the foundation for our modern age before the internet's ability to spread information the printing press helped information travels around the globe the printing press made books affordable for the lower classes helped spark the age of enlightenment and felicitated the spread of new and often controversial ideas among other things the printing press permitted wider access to the bible which in turn led to alternative interpretations including that of Martin Luther whose 95 theses a document printed by the 100 thousand sparked the protestant reformation the printing press proved so influential
in prompting revolutions religious upheaval and scientific thought that mark twain would later write what the world is today good and bad it owes to Gutenberg
number eight-light bulb the light we use today in our homes and offices comes from a bright idea from more than 150 years ago pioneered in the early 19th century by Humphrey davy and his carbon arc lamp electric lights developed throughout the 1800s thanks to inventors like warren de
la rue joseph Wilson Swann and Thomas Alva
Edison Edison and swan patented the first long-lasting light bulbs in 1879 and 1880 liberating society from a near-total reliance on dayligh when all you have is natural light productivity is limited to daylight
hours light bulbs change the world by allowing us to be active at night
number seven refrigerator over the last 150 years refrigeration has offered us ways to preserve food medicines and other perishable substances before its conception people cooled their food with the ice and snow humans attempted numerous ways to preserve their food to survive humans have spiced salted pickled dried cured and sealed their food yet none of those methods can be seen as effective as the modern refrigerator the first vapor compression refrigerator was patented in 1835 by jacob perkins based on a theory put forward earlier by oliver evans british engineer james harrison built the first mechanical refrigeration
system to create ice in around 1851. he founded the victorian ice works and is often called the father of refrigeration in 1873 he demonstrated that meat kept frozen for months remained perfectly
number six clock imagine modern civilization without having a sense of
time depending on your point of view this is either wonderful or
horrible clocks are instruments that measure and show time for millennia humans have measured time in various ways some include tracking the sun's movements with sundials the use of water clocks candle clocks
and hourglasses humans have used devices to measure time for thousands of years the current system of time measurement based on 60 seconds to the minute and 60 minutes to the hour was created by the sumerians around 2000 bc the first mechanical clocks that used gear trains to advance the mechanism called a verge escapement were invented in europe around the start of the 14th century
these were the standard until thependulum clock was created in 1656
number 5 airplane invented in 1903 by the american wright brothers
planes brought the world closer together allowing us to travel quickly over great distances leonardo da vinci was one of the visionaries who believed that powered flight was possible he made several designs for flying machines although there is no evidence that any were actually constructed now humans can cover thousands of miles in a matter of hours thanks to the achievement of wilbur and orville wright this technology has brought in minds through enormous cultural exchanges but it also escalated the reach of the world wars that would soon break out in the severity of every war after thatnumber 4 vaccines the story of vaccines did not begin with the first vaccine edward jenners used a material from cowpox pustules to protect against smallpox rather it starts with a long history of infectious diseases in humans particularly with early uses of smallpox material to provide immunity to that disease lewis pasteur's experiments later led ton the development of live attenuated cholera vaccine and inactivated anthrax vaccine in humans 1897 and 1904 respectively in 1923 alexander glenny perfected a method to inactivate tetanus toxin using formaldehyde creating a tetanus vaccine the same procedure was used to develop a vaccine against dipheria in 1926. while sometimes controversial the practice of vaccination is responsible for eradicating diseases and extending the human lifespan
number three telephone the telephone is one invention that changed the world and opened a wide world of communication many businesses benefited from the additional communication options that became available after the invention of the telephone alexander
graham bell is often credited with being the inventor of the telephone since he was awarded the first successful patent however there were many other inventors such as elisha gray and antonio musue who also developed a talking telegraph bell drew his inspiration from teaching the deaf and also visits his hearing impaired mom he called the first telephone an electrical speech machine
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