the capitalist system works like this.
Those who have wealth can create more very easily.
The "Money Begets Money" concept.
Either eat small fishes and grow or some bigger fish will gobble you up.
Thirdly, there's another saying similar to "Money Begets Money".
Poverty Begets Poverty.
The poor people do not have the capital to invest.
If they don't have the money to start with, it will be extremely difficult for them to rise.
and eventually, they won't be able to generate wealth.
To counter this, the governments of many countries provide free education.
The next failure and probably the greatest failure of Capitalism has been
Environmental destruction and Societal destruction.
On one hand, I said that the poverty rates have drastically fallen the last 100 years,
literacy and education rates have risen rapidly,
In the same 100 years, the environmental destruction that we've seen
hasn't been seen in 2000 years or even the entire human history.
The speed of deforestation, extinction of biodiversity, and increasing climate change,
is unprecedented.
Will Capitalism destroy the World? | The Power of Money |Sohail khan (part 2) |
And this happened because, in Capitalism,
companies focus only and only on their profits.
They are not concerned about the global effects of deforestation.
As long as they keep getting their profits and keep getting richer.
This craving for profit is not only destroying our planet,
but it also negatively affects our society tremendously.
Consumers indeed have choices.
They're free to choose what they want to buy from which company.
But in reality, companies bombard us with ads.
These changes the mindset of the entire society.
In the ads, it's shown that the chemically altered, processed, fatty burger
is very good for you.
You'll be happier when you eat it.
Will Capitalism destroy the World? | The Power of Money |Sohail khan (part 2) |
And when you'll see numerous burger stores around you selling these burgers
when your friends and family members would want to eat here,
you too would want to eat there.
You'll want to eat this burger, which will eventually lead to obesity.In America, 34% of adults suffer from obesity.
In the list of countries where the cancer rates are very high,
America is at number 5.
America is a capitalist country where a free market has been given to fast food
like the brands of sugary drinks,
they can sell whatever they want, run ads showing whatever they want.
All for the sake of earning profits.
To earn profits, companies have misled consumers into buying things
which were harmful to them.
Things people didn't need but their demand was created by the advertisements.
Major examples of this are the tobacco and alcohol companies.
They run ads that make people feel having their product will make them proud
they'll get the respect of society.
But every example is not this extreme.
It gave rise to Consumerism as well.
Think about 50 years ago.
What did a common man need?
What did the society consider necessary for a common man to have to lead an easy life?
A house, a secure job, and good food.
Nowadays, how many more things do you need to be at a respectable level in society?
You need a house, a car, a mobile phone, at least 10 new clothes, shoes,
and every year or two you need to get new clothes.
Only then will you be considered at a respectable level in society.
But think about it, 50 years ago, how many clothes and pairs of shoes
did your grandparents and great-grandparents own?
This capitalist system forces people to buy this and that and everything.
The more you buy the better.
The more new things that you have are good for you.
The latest iPhone and the latest car model,
the more you buy and the more you consume is better.
Why? Because the companies will get more and more profits.
This system works on the model of infinite consumption.
As many people buying as many things that they can.
But in reality, the resources are finite.
And this reason why we are seeing a large scale environmental destruction
because of Capitalism.
This system attacks your insecurities is to sell products.
If your skin is dark, buy a fairness cream.
If you're a bit hairy, but this laser treatment.
If your lips, nose, the face is not the same as such and such top celebrity,
buy these new surgeries.
You're short, buy this new drink to getter taller.
And finally, I'd like to talk about the failure of capitalism to protect democracy worldwide.
When compared with communism, capitalism has historically
been better suited for democratic structure.
There have been dictatorships in communist countries frequently.
But capitalism worked well with democracy and thrived.But in general, capitalism has a better record.
But the failure of this system, this ideology is seen when
companies get so huge and have so much wealth that
they become more powerful than the government.
In such cases, the companies can easily bribe the governments,
buy out the governments and even help in manipulating the elections.
Companies are concerned with their profits only.
If they feel that they'll get better benefits if a particular politician wins,
they'll fund that politician and support their election campaign.
This might happen publicly, like in America, known as Lobbying.
This is legal in America.
Will Capitalism destroy the World? | The Power of Money |Sohail khan (part 2) |
Which I believe to be extremely wrong.This corruption can work in all aspects and is very harmful to every country.
The company might pay money to the government
coercing them into selling forest land to them.
To put the forest on sale.
And the government would comply.
Companies may ask for the rules to be changed in such a way that
though the citizens may suffer, the companies are benefited.
The government would comply.
The government would become puppets in the hands of the companies.
This is often an accusation against countries like America.
To deal with these failures of Capitalism,
countries around the world have come up with different strategies.
What are the strategies?
I'll talk about them in the next article where I will explain Socialism.
Which are the socialist ideologies
that have tried to counter the various failure of capitalism.
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Comment below your opinion on these ideologies.
Will Capitalism destroy the World? | The Power of Money |Sohail khan (part 2) |
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