Australia Bushfires | Explained by Sohail Khan
Hello friends
Think about it: your entire country is up in flames.
A natural disaster on such a massive scale has never happened in your country ever
And during such times, the Prime Minister of your country goes abroad on a holiday.
Something similar recently happened in Australia.
Australia |
Fires in the summer are extremely common in some regions of Australia
This happens every year. You could say that it is the natural weather pattern there
It is called the "Fire season" that peaks in late January and February.
Australia Bushfires | Explained by Sohail Khan |
When it does happen, generally, the firefighters do not try and put out the fire
Rather, they let it burn in a controlled manner.
Because the fire needs to stay alight as it is a part of the ecosystem there.
If the fire is put out, then the ecosystem there will not be able to survive that way
The natural environment and the trees there stay in great shape because of this fire season
But in a controlled manner.
But what happened this time was an extreme weather event.
The bushfire this year was grossly uncontrolled
Australia Bushfires | Explained by Sohail Khan |
The blame for this cannot be put upon the firefighters. Rather, it should be put on climate change.
2019 has been the hottest and driest year in the History of Australia to date
While there's an increase of 0.8 degrees in the temperature of the world due to climate change,
this effect is more intensely visible in Australia.
And the temperature increase in Australia due to climate change is by 1.4 degrees already
The interesting thing is that in 2008,
twelve years before today, a scientific report had predicted exactly what is happening today.
This report of 2008 had stated that due to climate change, Australia's fire season will begin early and end late.
that is, it will stay for a longer duration and be more intense
It had also stated that this effect will be directly observable by 2020.
So its prediction has been greatly accurate
Right now, the average temperature increase is 1.4 degrees in Australia
Scientists have predicted that when this average temperature rise reaches 3 degrees,
then such fire seasons will be seen every summer, every year in Australia
There was destruction on an unprecedented scale due to these fires
Estimates suggest that around 500 million to 1 billion animals have perished
When I am talking about animals, I do not mean insects
I mean mammals, reptiles, and birds
which have been killed in such huge numbers... Think about it- 1 billion!
It is such a huge number.
Koala used to be a very common animal in Australia
But these fires have affected the population of Koalas so much that they could now be listed in the endangered category.
In fact, as a continent, Australia is quite special in matters of biodiversity
The kind of wildlife found there is not seen anywhere else.
If you go outside cities, then you might find kangaroos and emus roaming freely on the roads
The animals that escaped the fires have nothing to eat.
So food was airdropped for them from helicopters.
18 million hectares in the area of the land that has been burnt to ashes in this fire.
Economic damage(due to this) of around 4.4 billion dollars has been estimated
Massive amounts of smoke have been released due to fires that broke out on such a large scale
Not only did this lead to air pollution in Australian cities,
when the air carried this smoke outside the Australian cities,
Then this smoke circulated all around the globe and came back to Australia.
This was shown by the NASA Satellite images
Australia Bushfires | Explained by Sohail Khan |
The glaciers in New Zealand have turned yellow due to the smoke.
And whilst all this was happening, the Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison
left the country for a vacation in Hawaii.
Think about it, the entire country is up in flames and he's out on vacation in Hawaii
Although he later apologized for this vacation
But when he returned to his country, then the Australian public openly abused him
The people were so angry at him that when he went out amongst the general public,
then no one even agreed for a handshake with him.Scott Morrison has been criticized several times for ignoring an important issue like climate change
He is not ready to admit that there is a direct link between these fires and climate change
The scientists have been reiterating this for several years again and again
And despite that, their Prime Minister wants to promote coal and coal energy
For example, one time he brought a piece of coal to the Parliament
to show that there is no need to fear coal
The ones getting scared are coal phobic
Therefore we should promote coal energy.
Our economy runs well due to coal, the people get jobs and the businesses do well too.
The carbon dioxide released by coal and petroleum leads to climate change
And today, the reality is that Australia is the world's largest coal exporter.
Australia Bushfires | Explained by Sohail Khan |
And let me tell you another shocking fact.
Australia Bushfires | Explained by Sohail Khan |
Australia has the world's second-largest carbon emission per capita.
That is, the amount of carbon dioxide emitted per person.
is the second highest in Australia after the USA
There's no doubt that Australia contributes significantly to climate change
and its government is not taking any action against it
Their government is approving projects like the Adani coal mines
You must have heard about the Adani coal mine project that is being constructed on the Great Barrier Reef.
Not only is it ecologically dangerous for the Great Barrier Reef,
It would also increase carbon emissions and aggravate climate change
Despite such a grave natural disaster, the Australian government did not agree to stop that coal mine
even though people have been protesting to get it stopped for years
There is a German company called Siemens
Siemens has been given the contract to develop rail infrastructure in this coal mine
Siemens is also not taking back its contract despite witnessing such a massive destruction
So now, protests have begun in Germany too, against Siemens, to halt this Adani coal mine.You will also have to understand that this is not the matter of one or two countries- it affects the entire globe.
When fires break out in Amazon and Australia, then its' effects will be visible in Pakistan too.
Don't think that you'd be able to escape all these things by sitting on the other side of the globe.
Natural disasters and climate change won't descend keeping the borders of the countries in mind.
You will also have to understand that like-minded politicians have been elected all across the globe
They take no action against climate change
Either they are immensely stupid.
or they promote these coal and polluting industries deliberately to save their businesses and mint money.
On one hand, there is Scott Morrison who belongs to the center Right-wing party in Australia.
On the other hand, Donald Trump is seen doing the same thing in the USA
The USA is the sole major country to back away from the Paris Climate Agreement.
Donald Trump took a lot of decisions that took back regulations on polluting industries.
to promote the polluting industries and to promote coal
On the other hand, there's a similar story in Brazil, where the right-wing leader, Bolsonaro.
is indirectly responsible for the Amazon forest fires
Ever since he has been elected in 2019, there has been an 85% increase in deforestation in Amazon forests.
All the decisions that the politicians across the world take on the matter of environment,
affects every person as well as a living being on this planet
Hence it is very important to pressurize the leaders to take pro-environment steps
and to take action against climate change.
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