Albert Einstein Biography | By Sohail Khan
Albert Einstein Biography | By Sohail Khan 

Albert Einstein, he is the father of

modern physics he was born in um kingdom

of württemberg German Empire on March 14

1879 his father's name was Herman

Einstein and mother's name was Pauline

coke was born into a Jewish family

his father was a scientific utility

salesman electrician and mother was a

housekeeper. In 1880 the family moved to

Munich in 1894


when einstein was fifteen

and his family moved to Italy first to

Milan and a few months later to pavía

Albert attended a Catholic elementary

school in Munich from the age of five

for three years at the age of eight he

was transferred to the Louisville

gymnasium. where he received advanced

primary and secondary school education

the twelve-year-old Einstein taught

himself algebra and Euclidean geometry.

after graduation

Einstein spent two years in search a

teaching job but didn't find finally he

got a job of the assistant examiner at the

Federal Office for intellectual property.

at the Patent Office Einstein and

Maleeva Mary married
Maleeva Mary

Maleeva Mary married in January 1903

they had three children Liesel Einstein

Hans Albert Einstein and Edward Einstein

in 1905 he completed his thesis which

was entitled a new determination of

molecular dimensions for the work he was

awarded a Ph.D. by the University of

Zurich in 1905 he came up with his

revolutionary works which were focused

on photoelectric effect Brownian motion

the special theory of relativity and the

equivalence of matter and energy in 1905

he published his four groundbreaking

papers the papers provided information

on the photoelectric effect Brownian

motion special relativity and the

equivalence of matter and energy.

These papers brought Einstein to the

limelight and he became instantly famous

and was recognized as the leading

scientist in 1908. he was appointed as a

lecturer at the University of Bern


University of Bern
University of Bern

Einstein quit this position as

well as the one he was holding at the

Patent Office to take up the profile of

physics docent at the University of

Zurich in 1911 he became a full-time

professor at the Karl Ferdinand

University in Prague

Einstein separated from his wife Mileva

in 1914 in 1916 Einstein was appointed

as the president of the German Physical

The society that he held for two years

during this time Einstein also attained

membership of the Prussian Academy of

Sciences their divorce was final on 14

February 1919 he married Elsa Lowenthal

On 2nd June 1919, he invited officially

by the mayor of New York on April 2nd

1921 and delivered several lectures at

the Columbia and Princeton University

then he moved to Washington DC after

that he visited many countries including

Singapore sill on Japan America Belgium

to serve his lecture

suddenly a new law had been said in

Germany according to which Jews could

not hold any official positions

including teaching at the universities

not only was Einsteins work targeted he

himself was on the list of assassination

targets of the Nazis with a $5,000

bounty on his head

Einstein found his temporary shelter in

England then made the decision to

permanently stay in the United States

and thus applied for citizenship.

Einstein gained a permanent citizenship

in the United States in the year 1940

Einstein gained a permanent citizenship  in the United States in the year 1940

Einstein gained a permanent citizenship

in the United States in the year 1940

I'm Stein in his later years was even

offered the position of President of

Israel but he declined the same stating

that he had neither the aptitude nor the

experience in 1921 he received the Nobel

Prize in Physics in 1929 Einstein was

presented with the Max Planck medal of

the German Physical Society in Berlin

the chemical element and stadium was

named for him he died at Princeton New

The Jersey United States on 18 April 1955 at

At the age of 76 a person who never made a

a mistake never tried anything new said

Albert Einstein


Albert Einstein Biography | By Sohail Khan