Why Conspiracy Theories Spread | Explained by

Why Conspiracy Theories Spread | Explained by

Or you can ask him why are there leaves on a tree? He might answer that the trees grow leaves to give shade to the animals What is the basic characteristic of such a way of thinking? The children think that there is a purpose/intention behind everything It rains because of a purpose Similarly, conspiracy theorists try and accord purpose and intentions to extraordinary events when there might not be any Why is the coronavirus spreading these days? Someone must have engineered it for sure. It must've been made as a bio-weapon. Someone is behind this and this is why it is so widespread in the world today These people are not satisfied with random explanations that

Why Conspiracy Theories Spread | Explained by Sohail khan 

coronavirus is spreading because it originated randomly and that no one is behind this Random events happen constantly all across the world Talking about the social category of events, then "seeking validation " comes first Those people that are more isolated and feel more left out by the society if they have not achieved much or if they are uneducated, such people, in an attempt to feel validated and special and to show that they are well informed as well, and to stand out more in their social circles spread conspiracy theories They want to show that they are more informed than the rest on political and social events This conclusion was put forward by a research The links to all the researches that I am talking about have been provided in the description

Why Conspiracy Theories Spread | Explained by Sohail khan 

below You can read the abstracts of these researches yourself and see what conclusions have been arrived at as to why people share conspiracy theories I am talking about sharing and not origin. Because more often than not, conspiracy theories originate due to political intention as we saw in the case of Emperor Nero He formulated a conspiracy theory to save himself He formulated a conspiracy theory to salvage and improve his political image So, this could be the reason behind spreading them And the reason why they spread have been provided I'd like to mention another research that tells us